KANNA (Please read to the bottom for the full effects of both the Hello Kanna, Party Bars and Kaps).

The Effects of Kanna Explained

If your curiosity is piqued, you no doubt want to know more about the effects of kanna and how using the extract will actually make you feel. The general consensus from experienced kanna users is the extract can give you an overall sense of emotional well-being and possibly a touch of euphoria. You may feel: 

  • Enhanced or heightened mood
  • Less tense or less stressed 
  • Slightly energetic 
  • More focused 
  • More socially in-tune with others
  • Less self-conscious 
  • More sensitive to touch 

In short, kanna is often touted as a good extract to try if you are looking for a more positive state of mind or greater ease dealing with typical stressors of life. It is exactly this uplifting action that has made kanna extract desirable for both recreational use and its spiritual effects. Some retreats even use kanna in spiritual “awakening” ceremonies or in psychosocial gatherings to “open the heart.” 

Kanna extract offers these feel-good effects by inhibiting serotonin transporters in the brain, which means serotonin is present longer instead of getting reabsorbed. This action is similar to what is induced by prescription selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are frequently prescribed for either anxiety or depression.

As an adage, kanna extract has been examined in small concept studies to prove that it could potentially enhance mood, sleep, and cognitive function.

These studies may be small and limited, but they both offer evidence that the effects of kanna people report are exactly the effects witnessed in scientific examinations. 

How is Kanna Used?

Ways to Use Kanna Sceletium tortuosum | Hello Kanna

As noted above, kanna has been used and consumed in quite a few ways throughout history. Thankfully, modern manufacturers have taken it upon themselves to make sure kanna-seekers have access to products that are easy to consume. While not all-inclusive, you can find kanna in several forms, including: 

  • As a tea 
  • Incorporated into a fluid tincture 
  • Encapsulated in an easy-to-swallow capsule 
  • In loose powder dried herb form 

While you can find kanna in many forms, one of the most preferred methods of consumption is capsules. Capsules are easy to dose and give you exact measurements, so you know how much kanna extract you are taking in. While it would be difficult to overdose on kanna, you could take a bit too much and experience more heightened euphoric feelings or more relaxation than you prefer. Therefore, taking a conservative dose is always recommended. 

Not only are capsules easy to take, but they are also great for combining kanna with synergistic compounds. For example, Hello Kanna Hello Happy supplements offer kanna and a vitamin B complex, both of which can uplift your mood. Likewise, Hello Calm gives you a combination of kanna, ashwagandha, and vitamin D, all of which are good for leveling you out and keeping you relaxed. 

A Final Word On Seeking Your Own Kanna Experience

Buy Kanna Online at Hello Kanna

Kanna extract is definitely worthy of experimenting with if you struggle on occasion with things like moodiness, lack of focus, or stress. The scientific research into kanna may be just getting started, but the anecdotal reports of people who have found profound benefits by using kanna continue to grow. 

If you do intend to try kanna for yourself, make sure you trust only a reputable source for your products. Look for companies that offer transparency when it comes to ingredients, right down to third-party lab testing to stand as proof of analysis. 

Hello Kanna is all about connecting people with the therapeutic benefits of kanna so they get to reap the true positive effects. We offer a full collection of kanna blends, including Hello Pure, Hello Focus, and other proprietary blends. Plus, we give you access to Kanna Paks, which contain only six capsules for people just looking to give the extract a try.

Find your way to botanical medicine with true kanna from Hello Kanna—we’re so glad you’re here!

Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum), also spelled canna and channa, and known by its Dutch colloquial name kougoed, is a succulent plant with an ancient history of traditional recreational and medicinal use by indigenous communities inhabiting southern Africa.

This severely underrated and globally legal plant has a wide array of psychoactive and bodily effects. It is a powerful anxiolytic, antidepressant, and overall mood booster, gifting users with energy, euphoria, and increased appreciation for sensory stimulation. Kanna is not a potent hallucinogen, although its ritual use by the Khoikhoi and San indigenous groups suggests it may serve as a visionary tool in the proper context or when mixed with other plant ingredients.

For centuries after its discovery, Kanna was not well-known to the Western world. However, with science identifying its chemical properties over the last few decades and an increasing number of users reporting its therapeutic benefits, this plant is becoming sought after due to its potential to relieve pain, anxiety, and depression in a more natural and less harmful way than conventional pharmaceuticals.



Sceletium tortuosum contains seven active alkaloids, four of which are better-known to science: mesembrine, mesembranol, mesembrenone, and mesembrenol. The total alkaloid concentration in dry plant material of Sceletium tortuosum is highly variable depending on growing conditions and harvest time, and it ranges from 0.05% to 2.3%.

These alkaloids function as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), meaning that they prevent the reuptake of serotonin, the neurotransmitter which regulates mood, emotions, sleep, hunger, and social behavior, keeping more of it available for its receptors; this is the principle on which conventional anti-depressants and anxiolytics work. Additionally, the alkaloids in Kanna have been shown to inhibit PDE4 activity, a biochemical process that is also gaining interest as potentially relevant in depression relief.

It’s also been found that these alkaloids interact with the CB1 receptors, which have been implicated in mood, pain, and appetite regulation, to name a few of the many processes this vast network of endocannabinoid receptors governs.
Finally, in vitro studies have shown that, at higher concentrations, mesembrine affects the uptake of noradrenaline and dopamine. This may partially account for its sedative-like effects when larger doses of Kanna are consumed, which aren’t present at lower doses.

While human clinical trials with Kanna or its isolated alkaloids are amiss at this time, several animal studies have reported promising results from the use of this plant.

Japanese researcher Hirabayashi and his team performed three studies in which they administered varying doses of powdered Kanna to cats and dogs with clinical signs of stress or dementia, or incessant nocturnal barking and meowing. The researchers reported almost absolute success in alleviating these symptoms, with no adverse effects even at high doses and over long periods of administration.

Anecdotal reports from numerous users also support the notion that Kanna is a safe, efficient and highly beneficial therapeutic tool. Among the most frequently reported benefits are: a reduction in anxiety, an increase in confidence, enhanced social functioning, feelings of relaxation and meditative tranquility, heightened introspection, appreciation for the beauty of nature, and interruption of cravings for alcohol and tobacco.


In low doses, Kanna can provide rapid relief from stress and anxiety. It can boost mindfulness and healthy introspection, create pleasant sensory experiences, and allow space for increased appreciation of surroundings and sensory stimulation. This array of sensations is often followed by a degree of indifference or emotional detachment from matters that would normally cause a negative reaction in the individual.

Moderate doses of Kanna have an overall mood-enhancing effect; it’s often described as a feeling of euphoria coupled with an increase in energy and a tingling sensation felt throughout the body. For some, the heightened energy provokes a desire for socializing and performing activities such as dancing and singing. For others, it can be channeled into focus and mental clarity, making Kanna a great ally for productivity and creativity.

At higher doses, however, Kanna has the exact opposite effect; it becomes a sedative, facilitating muscle relaxation and dissolving attention and focus. Action becomes borderline impossible as the narcotic side of the plant’s effects engulfs the user.

This variance in effects can be explained by the differences in neurotransmitter levels which appear when different levels of Kanna’s active compounds are present in the brain, as mentioned in the Pharmacology section.

Kanna’s alkaloids interact well with several other compounds, most notably with those in alcohol and cannabis. Combining it with these two recreational psychoactives results in an entourage effect where individual effects are mutually potentiated.

Although it’s not very hallucinogenic on its own (typically causing only slight visual alterations such as softer or more intense-looking colors and glows around the edges of objects and people), these combinations are known to result in mild visions. Some other plant admixtures the Khoikhoi traditionally combine with Kanna include damiana, blue lotus flowers, wild dagga, tongkat ali, and ginseng. The reports of Kanna’s psychedelic effects can likely be explained, in part, by consuming it with other ingredients.

Finally, Kanna is known to suppress the appetite and some cravings for substances such as alcohol, nicotine, and opioids, meaning that it can be integrated as a supplement to support a healthy lifestyle. No formal studies have been performed to confirm these effects, but they appear in reports from centuries of traditional use.

As with other psychedelics, how Kanna will affect a person largely depends on their mindset and the setting it’s consumed in. Kanna doesn’t produce serotonin, but rather prevents its breakdown, keeping more of the neurotransmitter in circulation. This means it will only have the mood-boosting effect if the mood is already good, i.e. if there is some serotonin available to work with. It’s therefore recommended to consume Kanna with a stable mindset and in a rewarding, supportive context.

Although Kanna may be able to help with feelings of depression, it’s not guaranteed to do so. It’s highly recommended to consult a professional before attempting to use Kanna as an antidepressant.

Side effects & precautions

Adverse reactions to Kanna are rare and are most often a consequence of taking too high of a dose or consuming it in an unfavorable context.

The few side effects commonly reported include raised blood pressure and heart palpitations, which can be followed by anxiety, mild headaches, and nausea without vomiting. A dry mouth is common, as is having loose stool.

Many users have reported feeling irritated after the effects of Kanna wear off; this is likely due to the necessary readjustment of serotonin levels. Although it can be tempting to take another dose at this stage in order to get the mood back up, we strongly advise against this, as it can lead to an accumulation of irritability and even more intense reactions of anger when the second high subsides.

The actual effects of Kanna can also be considered as side effects depending on the context of its use. The euphoria it causes in moderate doses can make it difficult to fall asleep if taken later in the day, while the tranquilizing effect of higher doses can turn into grogginess or drowsiness, making activities requiring motoric coordination or focus unsafe or unfeasible. Everyone is therefore advised to be mindful of the context of consuming Kanna to avoid unwanted consequences of its effects.

Kanna is known to cause tolerance, meaning that higher doses may be needed with repeated ingestion. However, neither animal studies nor anecdotal accounts have reported severe withdrawal effects after discontinuing use. On the other hand, for some users, the body needs initial adjustment to even feel the effects, so taking low doses over several days is a good way to ‘prime’ it to the Kanna experience.

Due to its chemistry, Kanna must not be combined with other SSRIs (such as depression medication) or MAOIs (such as B. caapi or Syrian rue). Mixing these could lead to a negative biochemical interaction and result in serious health complications.